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Simply Sod Omaha- November Temperatures Can Be A Roller-coaster Here's What You Need To Know

Simply Sod Omaha- November Temperatures Can Be A Roller-coaster Here's What You Need To Know

Taking care of your lawn in Southeast Nebraska during November is essential to prepare it for winter and ensure a healthy, lush lawn in spring. This is the time of year when the leaves start to cover your lawn. Simply Sod is your expert here in the Omaha metro area, and everything you need to know about November sod care solutions in this region is right here:


Mowing: In November, you should continue to mow your lawn but gradually reduce the mowing height to about 2 inches. This helps prevent snow mold and other winter-related issues.


Raking: Regularly remove fallen leaves and debris from your lawn. Leaves can smother the grass and create an environment for pests and diseases.


Aeration: If you still need to do so in the fall, consider aerating your lawn in early November. Lawn aeration helps improve soil compaction and allows nutrients, water, and air to reach the grassroots.


Fertilization: Late fall is an excellent time to apply a winterizing fertilizer with a high potassium content. This will strengthen the grass and help it withstand the cold winter temperatures. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for application rates.


Weed Control: Apply a pre-emergent weed control product to prevent winter annual weeds from taking root. This is important for maintaining a healthy lawn in the spring.


Watering: Continue to water your lawn as needed. While the grass growth slows down in November, keeping it adequately hydrated is essential, especially if there is a lack of rainfall.


Overseeding: If your lawn has bare patches or thin areas, consider overseeding in early November. Choose a cool-season grass seed mix suitable for your region and follow the recommended seeding rates.


Pest and Disease Management: Inspect your lawn for signs of pests or diseases. If you notice any issues, consult a local lawn care professional for appropriate treatment options.


Winterization: As winter approaches, drain and winterize your irrigation system to prevent freezing and damage.


Snow Removal: Prepare your equipment for snow removal, including snow blowers or shovels. Keeping your sidewalks and driveway clear of snow will help prevent ice buildup and protect your lawn.


Lawn Equipment Maintenance: Before winter, clean and store your lawn equipment properly. This includes cleaning lawnmowers, sharpening blades, and storing them in a dry, protected area.


Mulching: Consider applying a thin layer of mulch to garden beds and around trees to help insulate the soil and protect plants during the winter.


Landscape Cleanup: Trim back any overgrown branches or shrubs that might cause damage when weighed down by snow or ice.


Remember that local climate conditions can vary. At Simply Sod, we offer a wide range of services. By following these November sod care precautions, you can help your lawn stay healthy and vibrant throughout the winter and into the next growing season.

November 02, 2023

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