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The Omaha Sod Experts.

Important Winter Steps to Protect Your Sod Lawn

Important Winter Steps to Protect Your Sod Lawn

As the winter months approach, taking proactive steps to protect your sod lawn is essential for maintaining its health and resilience. One of the most important actions you can take is minimizing foot traffic on your lawn. Walking on frozen or snow-covered sod can lead to soil compaction, damaging the roots and making it harder for the grass to recover in the spring. Establish designated pathways and avoid heavy foot traffic, especially when the ground is soft from melting snow or ice.

Additionally, be cautious when using snow removal equipment near your lawn. Tools like snow blowers or shovels can easily tear up or damage the edges of your sod, leaving it vulnerable to winter stress. Try to clear snow away from the lawn rather than onto it, as piled snow can smother the grass and create uneven surfaces when it melts. Use markers or stakes to outline your lawn boundaries and keep equipment at a safe distance​.

Finally, avoid using harsh deicing chemicals on or near your lawn. Many salts and chemicals used to melt ice can damage the grass and soil structure. Opt for eco-friendly or pet-safe alternatives, and be mindful of where runoff flows to prevent chemical damage to your sod. Taking these precautions will help your lawn endure the winter months and set the stage for a lush, healthy lawn once the warmer weather returns​.

November 14, 2024

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